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Post Pregnancy recovery

Pregnancy changes a woman’s body and it is possible to regain the health back.

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After giving birth to her son, Neha happily lost 7 kgs of baby weight plus another 6, which she had been trying to lose pre-pregnancy by eating right, walking with the stroller everyday and breast feeding.


She was thrilled to say sayonara to the weight but about five-six months postpartum, she gained 7 kgs. 

She thought it could be her eating home cooked food(made by her mom). There is this crazy carb craving to add to it. There is stress with added responsibility of being a new mom. She thought, there is depression to deal with. Hormonal changes in the body can lead to depression post pregnancy. So more emotional eating leading to weight gain.


When she felt severe back pain, low energy and numbness in her hands, she visited a doctor and got blood test done. The results showed severe hypothyrodisim. Hypothyroidism can lead to many other health problems like obesity, diabetes, infertility and heart disease. 

Neha met with Healthier team and made customised plan to get back on healthier track. She noticed a difference almost right away. She was feeling energetic, sleeping better, losing weight eating right food. Today she does not need thyroid medication. She enjoys motherhood as well as great health.


Like Neha, many women attribute their weight gain or bloating to being a busy mom. But if you are doing all the right things and still don’t feel healthy, happy with your weight, your thyroid malfunction could be sabotaging your plan to stay healthy.


Meet our Healthier team and get right direction and guidance for hypothyroidism and achieve to your health goal! We have got tremendous results!

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