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A healthy snack in evening!

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My earliest memories of eating peanuts are of going to park to play with my cousins and my parents would get handful of roasted peanuts and revadi (gur-shakkar mix with til). With the onset of winters, we would get peanut pods from the farmers market and roast it on coal sigri in our garden while whole family and neighbours passing by would come over in the evening, would chit chat while munching on the delicious, nutty snack discussing the events of the day. Eating peanuts gave us that energy, gave that brain power (thanks to vitamin B3), kept our skin hydrated, kept dandruff at bay, hair follicle strong. 

Peanuts are the treasure – house of health. It has 2.5 more protein as compared to meat and eggs. The protein content of 100-gram peanuts is equal to 1 litre of milk. Peanuts have mono – unsaturated fatty acids which balances the good and bad cholesterol. These fatty acids also put a check on blood sugar level. It immediately makes us feel good as it is hearty, carby and its sweet taste satisfies our craving for either fat, sugar or carbs when we feel tired, stressed or working our muscles in the park!

Our bodies tend to crave fatty, high calorie foods when we’re stressed (especially when that stress is due to energy deprivation from excessive dieting or exercise). A handful of peanuts has enough beta-sitosterol to normalize high cortisol levels and bring them back into balance with other hormones. It works like magic for hypothyroidism. It also reduces inflammation and improve immunity. Eat a fistful regularly!

So today, when we had peanuts fresh from farm, roasted and shared with family and friends, we felt this should go on healthier to inspire many of you to do the same…The nut/s in the friends and family and the peanuts, both will keep you laughing and will help you stay happier and Healthier!!

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