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Coconut Water

Drink your way to health and energy.

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It is mid morning and everyone in office is taking a coffee/tea break. A good opportunity to sneak in some vitamins, minerals, sugars, electrolytes, amino acids, phyto hormones, and cytokine in form of coconut water. 

We all know it provides instant energy, detoxifies, works as electrolyte replacement, reduces fever, boosts immunity there are many health benefits of coconut water that you will be surprised to know. 
Did you know the glutamic acid(an amino acid) in it helps increase memory.

It relieves stress as it has fair amount of vitamin B5, B6 and folate which trigger the release of serotonin(mood boosting hormone). It has B1 which is good for eyes.

It relieves headache as magnesium in coconut water helps cure it. Next time migraine knocks, open the door to coconut water. It also has calcium(strengthen bones).

Many toxins and chemical compound present in environment and food(pesticides) make our body pH level highly acidic leading to joint pain, heart burn, weight gain and immune deficiency. Coconut water has alkalizing effect which helps restore healthy pH. Coconut water, being high in potassium and electrolytes, is beneficial in treating acid reflux, GERD and gastritis.

It can help in curing insomnia. The GABA(a neurotransmitter) that has a relaxing, anti anxiety effect on body aiding good sleep.

It s rich in malic acid, which when paired with magnesium helps in the breakdown of gallstones

It reduces bloating as it has potassium which counteract the effects of sodium(bloating). The potassium also helps in preventing muscle cramps and stimulates hair growth. 

It has manganese which helps in improving metabolism of carbohydrates and fats into energy. It is a natural diuretic, thus supporting the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. All these factors eventually help cure hypothyroidism.

Coconut water has yet another essential cytokinin gibberellins (GAs) that contain anti-tumour properties. 
Cytokines also help promote cell growth. This helps your skin repair faster, as well as reduce the damage that has been caused. so it is anti-ageing drink.

So when your head is spinning due to headache, you are stressed out due to some work delivery, didn’t sleep well last night and for-see a long work day today, step out, and have some coconut water and then attack your work to completion! Cheers!!

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